Saturday, January 12, 2008

Obama McCain and the future history of histories

"The best day in the history of histories" is a Sponge Bob Square Pants quote... its funny.

But how I felt when Obama lost New Hampshire isn't funny. People don't understand that what happened inthe 2000 and 2004 elections changed our future in ways that will make our world look like an apocalyptic movie scene.

Manhattan will be flooded as will most of Florida. The midwest will become a desert. Most of us will likely lose traditional modes of transportation, especially in rural areas.

We can't image it but it's real. It is happening. Our scientists have computer models of the worldwide damage to come.

This at a time when our fossil fuels are beginning to ebb. In case you haven't been paying attention, a change in oil prices from $20 per barrel to $100 per barrel can only mean one thing, an oil crisis.

Ask your grandparents about the days when conservation was part of our social conscience... back when oil temporarily stopped flowing from the middle east.

It is easy to see why the oil wars were inevitable. Iraq... Iran to come.

These are our challenges. We CAN meet them, but we must recognize them first.

Global Warming and Oil Crisis, aka rising oceans, water shortages, mass extinction, continuing world war, famine, pestilence and death.

I think all four horses of the apocalypse are represented here.

It is time for a change, yes?

People like Barack Obama and John McCain represent the compassionate character maverick spirit to push for the right changes.

If McCain or Gore had won in 2000, the world would be in a position to reduce the effects of Global Warming, rather than brace for the worst.

If either candidate wins this election, we might have a chance. If not, then in 10 years, many of us will be looking for ways to ensure our children's survival.

This is our world on our watch. I need your help. Let's save us, okay?