Thursday, October 16, 2008

ACORN voter fraud is a coverup for GOP voter suppression

Last night, John McCain falsely accused ACORN of voter fraud. and others are helping to spread the truth. According to Moveon, the GOP is actively suppressing votes through legal and state action. GOP lawsuits are just one way to steal an election, and we can be sure they'll try everything.

Moveon has the following to say about the ACORN controversy:

  • The only fraud committed was against ACORN itself. ACORN hired 13,000 workers to register a remarkable 1.3 million new voters. And a few of them turned in registration forms with inaccurate and even made-up names to get credit for work they didn't do. ACORN fired them and turned them over to the authorities.

  • ACORN reported the fraudulent registration forms. In most states, ACORN is required by law to submit all forms collected whether they appear to be bogus or not—that way election officials, not partisan groups, can make the call. ACORN flags cards that may not be legitimate. And in many places, the charges of fraud only came up because ACORN was the one who flagged the cards!

  • This won't have any impact on the election. No one is allowed to vote unless they are properly registered. And there is no evidence of false registrations actually leading to organized voting fraud.

You can get the facts from this link.

Moveon provides these sources for more details information:
  1. "States' Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal," New York Times, October 8, 2008

  2. "Check-off box delays thousands of voter registrations," Denver Post, October 14, 2008

  3. "ACORN defends efforts amid voter-fraud allegations," Associated Press, October 14, 2008

  4. "In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud," New York Times, April 12, 2007

  5. "The Truth About Fraud," Brennan Center for Justice

  6. "The Truth About ACORN's Voter Registration Drives," ACORN

  7. "Group Answers Charges of Voter Registration Fraud," New York Times, October 14, 2008

  8. "Voter Group Admits Mistakes, Defends Work," ABC News, October 14, 2008

  9. "Is there ACORN fraud in Florida?," Orlando Sentinel, October 15, 2008

  10. "'Fraud' vs. 'Suppression'," Politico, October 14, 2008

  11. "After A Surge in Registration, A Surge in Suppression," Brennan Center for Justice, October 7, 2008

  12. "Democrats fear GOP will turn away foreclosed voters; GOP won't rule out using residency change to challenge a ballot," Indianapolis Star, October 3, 2008

  13. "Vote-scam fliers target black neighborhoods," Philadelphia Daily News, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What the Palin Email Photos (and zip file download) tell us

Sara Palin Email Account Photos and Zip File Download - links and commentary.

Some of the Palin account photos can be found and at wikileaks.

According to wikileaks "Governor Palin has come under media criticism in the past week for using pseudo-private email accounts to avoid Alaskan freedom of information laws" and "The list of correspondence, together with the account name tends to re-enforce the earlier criticism of Palin's email use."

It is obvious to some that her yahoo accounts were meant to protect her email from subpoena. I guess technically it isn't lying, it is withholding the truth so as to avoid prosecution *wink*.

Here is a zip of the files.

Interestingly, you can see in the address bar. Take note, ctunnel does NOT hide your internet activity. If you hack a governors' clandestine email account, no matter how evil she may be, you will still get caught and be punished according to how many connections and or money you have, so don't do it, not even through a proxy service. :)