Monday, July 20, 2009

Gang and government, pushers both and bidding

They say we face a worldwide "jihad," is it true? Are they everywhere, in the shadows, in the figgie pudding, in the texas-longhorn bullshit? They are not like GANGS in the United States who are only 1,000,000 in number and account for 80% of US crime (and murder), only slightly out-numbered by our military... but Al Qaeda, they are a real threat, not imaginary at all right? We should know, we created, funded, armed, and ultimately became them... The same spooks who burned crosses fly flags of false fear.

The FBI says 10% of gangs are in prision, the rest are in Omaha, Nashville, Maryland. Neo-nazis, Christian hate groups, gangs, REAL American terrorists, are in our military being trained and armed, professing race war.

Why, To help us ESCALATE this Afghan war? We overthrew a legitimate government, bastards, all, but legitimate, yet no negotiation, no cease fire, just natural gas pipelines, while Americans go blind.

Meanwhile, the first true hero in my lifetime is dangerously close to the thin line between change for the better and change for the not-as-bad.

Jihad : a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal. That term is NOT TERRORISM and it is probably insulting to use it pejoratively.

Terrorism is HATE, the kind of hate that a religious right, and gangs alike, have tucked neatly into American consciousness - Hate against Muslims, minorities, the poor... hatred for the part of America that is still beautiful and free.

They fear our mind but hate our heart, because we are the strong, and our meek survive. Humanity is in civil war, the same war we've always been in. This time it is not against an empire, or against slavery... this time we are the very empire which must be curtailed, we are the very slaves whom we ourselves exploit.

They will not end these oil wars. We have to end them. They will not allow clean renewable energy to usurp their fossil king, hydrocarbons. We have to take control of our own government, wrest if from the top 1% of us who clearly are sick beyond help.

Form democratic corporations, elect public servants, instead of leaders, to make laws which favor our cooperatives. If we can form auto unions, we can make cars, we can do everything we've always done even without our former masters.

They are hate and greed... we have beaten those things before. We have to teach our children to stop killing each other, and we have to throw those corporations our of our capitol city. We have to make every struggle our own, form a unified front against our darker nature; fight for common ground.

Hilliary has a fascist moment in India, goes nuclear

Times of India reports that Hillary is pushing a fascist America reminiscent of the previous administration.

Government has no business in business. When US "interests" are in a position to pay for reelection campaigns in return for "official" support, we call that "pay for play," and tend to frown on the practice.

Companies like Hyperion in New Mexico, and Toshiba in Tokyo are trying to innovate, create safer, better forms of nuclear power, but how can they compete against the big players when only the politically connected get the nod? And forget nuclear power anyway, there are so many green initiatives out there that NEED to be funded; but American Fascism will kill entrepreneurship as effectively as the previous GOP-flavored vintage.

I am beginning to realize that it doesn't matter which form of government we choose, or which party we support, all of us are at the mercy of the top 1% of society, and they don't care about us.

For FedEx, free enterprise is state-sponsored piracy

I thought extortion was only a Mafia tactic, but it appears that even non-profit conservative groups and mail delivery services are willing to resort to dramatic villainy... bold as day.

The American Conservative Union (not an actual union, or charity for that matter), tried to extort FedEx into a $2 million to $3 million "pay for play" in exchange for legislative bribery.

FexEx, the "victim" in this case, is facing pro-union legislative pressure via the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2009. Naturally, a GOP lobbying organization is willing to sell their tattered souls to the detriment of honest workers. When FedEx declined, the ACU supported the opposition, more union-friendly UPS.

The drama continues... FedEx is as resistant to unions as Walmart, and as dog eats dog, so FedEx fights it's workers tooth and nail. Not even congress is immune. FedEx threaten to cancel nearly $7 billion in American-made airplane contrats if capitol hill decides to play hero to working folks. Nice.

According to the US Congress, you can E-mail, call or write the President, Congress or state and local government based on your ZIP code... Please do; let them know that we are ALL working class people, and we support each other's right to unionize.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

T. Boon's "hail hitler" for natural gas pipeline kills wind farm

Pickens calls off massive wind farm in Texas - Yahoo! News


Plans for the world's largest wind farm in the Texas Panhandle have been scrapped, energy baron T. Boone Pickens said Tuesday, and he's looking for a home for 687 giant wind turbines.

Someone please tell T. Boone Pickens that Natural Gas is NOT RENEWABLE!

The sheer depth of this BOONdogle warrants a new level on the bullshit scale... this is texas longhorn bullshit.

Only 1/3 of americans and 80% of the rest of the world know that 9/11 was a false flag operation. Why should we be any more astute in our critique of the Afghanistan war?

Our oil companies received the oil deals that they wanted (stole). They agreed to just be paid for their service rather than own a share of the oil (money is money) so they don't even NEED the Iraq oil legislation that no one in that country would have been stupid enough to pass anyway... and everyone is sooo glad to be out of Iraq.

Fine, squeal with joy and don't notice that Aghanistan is the new front line of the OIL WAR... and Natural Gas pipelines are the "American Interests" that we are protecting.

Thanks T. Boon, for investing in foreign wars and sucking the soul out of humanity. At least you are offering us hope and change, even if you aren't delivering it. We hope that humanity has a few more decades before the top 1% of the world no longer has to bother with false promises.

We do appreciate your bullshit story about not being able to complete the world's largest wind farm because after leasing the land and buying the turbines, you can't plug the fucking thing into the electric grid.